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George Robinson

George Robinson

Friday, November 5th, 1948 - Monday, May 18th, 2020

It is with the deepest sadness that we learnt of the passing of our dear friend George Robinson.

Not long after the formation of the Ryhope School Project it became apparent that George was an important and integral part of our history - could we therefore ever find him again?

One avenue of searching was a simple Tweet and a billion to one chance that this plea caught the eye of his son Andrew. Once contact was made the memories came flooding back for his long-lost colleagues and students. George shared his treasure trove of memorabilia and recalled stories with sheer enthusiasm.

Finding George after 40 years was like a bright light being switched instantly on in a darkened room.

George will be fondly remembered by all of us with a connection to Ryhope Comprehensive.

God bless you George – our music maestro – eternal peace.

George Robinson Obituary can be found here (click on photo below)

Photo: George meeting Pete Townsend with a copy of the NME featuring Ryhope's TOMMY

(click on photo below to read full article)

George meeting Pete Townsend with a copy of the NME featuring Ryhope's TOMMY

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